Photo Album is updated.
Publication page is updated.
Pholsen-kun’s paper has been selected as an Editor’s Pick in Optics Express! (see the link)
An interview video featuring Prof. Iwamoto highlighting our research on topological photonics is now available on the website. (see the link)
Dai-san won the MOC Best Paper Award! Congratulations! photo
The member list is updated
Iijima-kun’s presentation is selected as a featured presentation at the annual meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) starting from September 16th.
Prof. Zhao has returned to Xi’an Univ. of Tech. We wish his continuous success in the future.
Prof. Tian, our Project Associate Professor, has moved to Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We wish you all the best!!
Siyuan has moved to Keio University as an assistant professor. Congratulation!